Friday 26 September 2014

What is Art?

In our first session we talked about the definition or art.  what is considered as an art? Who decide what is art and what is not?
We mentioned different types of Art like : Design and crafts.
Craft as an activity involving skills in making things by hand
and Design as functional and more practical use of 'art'
What determines an object as an piece of art, and what like a piece of design?
While  we asked ourselves all this questions we mentioned Grayson Perry - an English artist, famous for his ceramic vases and cross-dressing, also for unusual sexual desires and habit to dress as a woman. We were told that he is really eccentric and do lot of seminars asking the same question.
We talked about how art can be even our bed if we're too famous artists to exhibit it. The fact that an artist states something as art, it is now art. (becomes art)

We discussed how the times we lived determined also what to be called as art
and how art reflects the world in which they were created, because art, craft and design are constantly evolving
And yet there are some Classic designs, which are being judged over a period of time and are objects that most of us recognise over the years. Most of these classic design are everyday objects  with a timeless quality.

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